
hey nerds!

so. i'm blogging now. don't @ me! i want an excuse to take photos more casually and travel more often. 
don't worry, i will post about the pretty shit, the real shit, and even some life lesson shit.
but. i'm beginning this new venture with a vacation photo diary because it's fun to start with something exciting. 

ok. let's get to business.

I've been feeling a little claustrophobic living in downtown Portland lately. 
The temperature has been rising up to the 90's and being on foot and working every day can get a little exhausting. 
So, this weekend Brett, Raimee, and I decided to escape the heat!

I haven't made a big effort to blog or create content for collaborations lately so I decided to go out on a whim and reach out to some hotels!
I was surprised with the quick feedback and enthusiasm I received and in less than a day I surprised myself and set up a trip.

We spent our time at Headlands Lodge and enjoyed an incredible escape into paradise.
Every detail was perfect. There was a handwritten letter on the table for each of us, and they even had a handmade dog bed from Portland and glass bowls made by a coastal artist for puppy Lucy! 

We enjoyed our time by drinking at the beach, stuffing ourselves with pizza, and lounging at the spa.
My favorite part of the trip was drawing a hot bath in the cast iron tub and melting away for hours while listening to the ocean from my open balcony. 
Next time you need to escape to the coast, you know where to go!

I'm excited to be home again. I feel reinvigorated and excited to be back in the city.
I learned through this trip that saying "I can't" or "I don't know" is one of the biggest lies I tell myself consistently, and by taking action I can manifest direction with my life. 
Here's to a productive week!

Love, Davis.

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